Randall, River, Angie, and Shirley on the grass in a park.  River is about a year old, standing and holding Randall's hand for support, looking right at the camera.  Everyone else is sitting and looking at River and smiling.

About me

I live in a little house near this park. My family’s my favorite thing. During the day I’m User Experience Director at OpenSourcery here in Portland, where I try to make computer interfaces that are worth your time.

River & Angie

River’s been our constant joy since July, 2008. He spends his days with Angie, learning what it is to be human from the best human I know. Her job is much harder and more important than mine.


Mom spent 50 years teaching, retiring last year. She lives in a cottage in our back yard and works miracles in the garden. If she doesn’t see River every day she gets unhappy.

About this site

My family comes first, but I love my work.

In my user experience work, one thing I’ve not done enough is data visualization. As with many other things, the path to success is to study the masters, then practice, practice, practice.

So I find data graphics that are interesting for one reason or another and refactor them as best I can. Then I go one step further and try to make the finished product a good, accessible citizen of the web, using standard web technologies.

Family photo by the redoubtable Ben King.